This petition calls for a mandatory testing and disposal of contaminated anthrax vaccine stockpiles and for a full investigation into the management and ownership of BIOPORT, the sole maker of anthrax vaccine at this time, in regards to safety, practices, ownership , and to answer charges of corruption, abuse of power, and conflict of interest within the company itself and in various government agencies such as the FDA and DOD.

This petition calls for the mandatory health and safety testing of all United States and overseas supplies of U.S. made anthrax vaccine manufactured by the company BIOPORT or by the United States government prior to turning over ownership and operations to the BIOPORT corporation.

We call upon our government to have independent testing on all current and stockpiled anthrax vaccine performed for the presence of squalene by a civilian medical research facility with the capability to do so.

We also call upon the complete destruction of any remaining batches of anthrax vaccine which have been shown to be tainted with either a natural or synthetic form of squalene or to be produced both before or during a time when the BIOPORT plant operations had failed in any FDA safety inspections whatsoever.

Furthermore, we call upon the President and members of congress to launch a full independent investigation ( which will be open to the media ) of the stock ownership of this facility in order to show or rule out any conflict of interest in the application of BIOPORT vaccine products for financial gain, and without regard to the health consequences of vulnerable military and civilian personnel.

This will include a full public disclosure of all tainted anthrax vaccine lots and the locations, dates, and units to which they were given, all research and practices materials, and a full disclosure of any and all health and safety violations at the BIOPORT facility.

We also call upon our government to grant immediate amnesty and compensation to any service members who have either refused the vaccine or have shown symptoms of adverse reactions to their military vaccinations.

This benefit would also apply to families of deceased service members who had died from any type of autoimmune disorder thought by their family physician to stem from vaccine injury.

We call for an automatic 100% service connected disability in regards to the VA Compensations and Benefits program for any service member or veteran who served either overseas or at home during the time from 1980 to 2015, and who also tests positive for squalene antibodies or shows obvious signs of undiagnosed illness or autoimmune related disease.

Once again, any vaccine batch samples shown to be mislabeled, tainted with squalene, or made during a time frame before or during FDA safety violations will be destroyed by the entire batch lot number under the supervision of a recognized independent hazardous waste disposal facility. Any remaining anthrax vaccine batches that are still in or have been in quarantine shall also be destroyed at the earliest available time.

If you agree that the time has come for greater concern for the health and welfare of our troops and veterans, then we urge you to sign this petition. Help us to make sure that there will be NO VETERAN LEFT BEHIND .
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