Help Katrina Victims Get the Medical Care They Need Now!

As the hurricane victims struggle to rebuild their lives, one of their most immediate needs is access to medical care. Congress has the power to help the children, elderly, sick or people who have lost their jobs to get the health care they need by temporarily covering them under the federal Medicaid program -- without red-tape and hassles.
Under the current proposal, Katrina survivors with incomes below the federal poverty level could get coverage through a temporary five-month program with a possible extension. Congress is expected to vote very soon on this important emergency health-care relief measure.
Thats why we need your help today! The Senate has developed a bill that assures comprehensive coverage without red tape, but the House version may limit access to the program for hundreds of thousands of people. Click here for a detailed analysis of the two plans.
Don't let Congress water down this desperately needed relief! Act now by sending a letter to your representatives in both houses of Congress in support of temporary enrollment of hurricane victims in Medicaid.
Dear [Decision Maker],
To immediately ease the suffering of hundreds of thousands of Katrina victims, I urge you to support legislation that would provide hurricane victims with temporary access to medical care through the Medicaid program.
Providing a basic necessity such as health care to those suffering from this national disaster is vital as victims struggle to rebuild their lives.
Temporarily enrolling Katrina survivors in the Medicaid program makes sense, since it is a program operating in all of the states where victims are now living. To ensure the fastest possible coverage, Congress should waive normal documentation and eligibility requirements, and streamline and simplify the application process.
Since the majority of survivors have lost their jobs, all those with incomes now below the federal poverty level and twice that level for pregnant women and children should be eligible for Disaster Relief Medicaid.
This temporary program would be available for five months, with a possible five-month extension.
Because this is a national crisis, the federal government should cover the additional cost of these temporary enrollees and not pass these costs on to the states.
Providing hurricane victims temporary access to health care is a common-sense, compassionate step that Congress can take now to immediately relieve the suffering of hundreds of thousands of Americans.
Thank you for supporting this important measure.
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