Urge the current Administration to stand strong on their climate promises for elephants and other vulnerable animals

Wild animals – such as critically endangered forest elephants – are suffering from habitat loss. As the changing climate rapidly degrades the forests they rely on for food and shelter, forest elephants are becoming more vulnerable to poaching and human conflict as they wander further to find food.
Once plentiful areas that provided fruit for elephants have seen an alarming decline in fruiting events, likely due to global warming. And scientists have noted a parallel decline in the physical condition of elephants in these areas.
The Wildlife Conservation Society works to protect wildlife and advance nature-positive solutions to the climate crisis. By preserving intact forests and protecting and restoring coastal ecosystems, we can help safeguard the world's biodiversity and provide powerful, cost-effective measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
We applaud the commitment of the U.S. government and other global leaders to conserve at least 30 percent of our lands and waters and halt global deforestation by 2030, with local stakeholder engagement. But we need to let them know you're with us, and they need to keep their promises.
Let the Administration know that the climate crisis requires bold action now and should be at the core of policy decisions. Pledge to stand with us—and wildlife—for the future of our planet.
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