The outdoor retailer Snow & Rock have started selling Canada Goose products. This company is known to use live trap capturing of Coyotes for fur collars.
There are alternatives. Please, DEMAND that Snow & Rock STOP selling Canada Goose products. By stocking Canada Goose, SNOW & ROCK are showing their total lack of concern for wildlife and animal welfare.
A recent quote from CG states, "We do not condone any willful mistreatment, neglect, or acts that maliciously cause undue pain, injury, or suffering towards animals, and we are committed to providing full transparency about how we make our products." What is 'willful mistreatment'? Please, ask CG what they mean by that rather bland statement. Do they condone non-willful mistreatment? Something that is incredibly subjective - ask and Coyote or Goose.
Please, contact them directly asking them to stop. If you have a very strong stomach, Google Canada Goose and look at images. SNOW & ROCK can be messaged here:
Care2 says: After 40,000 Care2 members signed a petition to tell The Kooples to drop fur, they listened! So now please sign this petition (and share it on Facebook and Twitter) to tell Snow & Rock to drop cruel Canada Goose coyote fur products!