Keep Canada Wild!

It's time to embrace our nature.
Canada's wild places sustain us – from providing clean air and water to safeguarding our iconic wildlife to supporting healthy active living and rural economies, Canada's protected areas play a vital role in all our lives. But our ecosystems are in decline, under extreme pressure from urban and industrial development and climate change.
Canada has committed to protecting at least 17% of our land and freshwater by 2020, and science shows we need to protect at least half to effectively safeguard our ecosystems. With only 10.6% of our land and freshwater protected, we have a long way to go.
We must take action now! 90% of Canada's land is managed by our federal, provincial, territorial, and Indigenous governments. They have the responsibility of stewarding our land for us and for future generations.
Our goal is to make sure Canada is on the right path towards protecting what nature and people really need to thrive – and we need your help.
Sign the pledge and urge your governments to act now to protect much more of Canada's land and freshwater.
I support protecting more of Canada's wild spaces. I urge all Canadian governments to act now to protect at least 17% of our land and inland waters by 2020, and to create a long-term plan to protect what nature and people need to thrive – forever.
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