Shut Down This Deadly Racetrack Before More Horses Die!

  • by: Laura G.
  • recipient: City of Arcadia and LA County

From July 1, 2018, to November 30, 2019 a jaw-dropping 56 racehorses died at the famous Santa Anita Park in Arcadia, Calif. Yet, by the time you read this, many more will likely have died. One of the horses succumbed to a heart attack, but the majority had to be euthanized after suffering catastrophic leg injuries on the track.

It's completely heinous that local governments continue to allow this track to exist.

 Sign the petition if you want to see the city of Arcadia and LA County shut them down for good!

According to a 2012 New York Times investigation, California researchers found that 90 percent of horses that break down on the track had pre-existing injuries. The horses are given painkillers so they can continue to run. But even after Santa Anita announced a ban on race-day medications, the death count continued to climb.

To truly ensure the safety and security of these racehorses, please sign and share this petition asking the city of Arcadia and LA County to shut them down for animal abuse.

Photo credit: Rennett Stowe/Flickr


Update #65 years ago
The death toll at Santa Anita has now reached 36 horses in this calendar year. In June, California passed legislation to increase the safety of race horses, but over a third of these deaths happened after that. There is only one way to protect these horses - close the Santa Anita racetrack for good. Share the petition so we can put pressure on California’s decision makers to do the right thing!
Update #55 years ago
Things are getting worse. The city of Arcadia continues to ignore our pleas, meanwhile racehorses continue to die. 34 horses have died since December. And that number is likely to rise. Officials have no excuse. They must shut down Santa Anita Park now. Please share this petition with your friends to keep up the pressure.
Update #45 years ago
On March 31, just one day after Santa Anita Park reopened its main track for racing, another horse has tragically died, bringing the total to 23 since December 26. The track owners claim their top concern is the safety of the horses. If that's true, this death trap needs to be closed for good.
Update #35 years ago
On March 14, just three days after Santa Anita Park reopened its track for limited training, a horse broke both her front legs and was euthanized. The death toll since December 26 is now 22 horses. This deathtrap needs to be permanently shut down!
Update #26 years ago
After the death of the 21st horse, Santa Anita Park announced it was closing the track "indefinitely" while it's being inspected. The track should be closed permanently!
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