The police of Jefferson, Iowa shoot to kill. The target? Feral cats. The cats are considered a pest in the city of 4,500. But the way they are going about trying to fix it is downright cruel.
According to city ordinance, residents can request a police-monitored cat trap which police officers can then collect. If a cat has been trapped and is deemed unadoptable, officers can shoot them on the spot. At the moment, city police kill at least one cat per month!
Aside from being inhumane to shoot cats, the Jefferson's "trap-and-kill" method of animal control is actually counterproductive. According to experts, shooting and killing the cats just opens up space for other feral cats to take their place. However, if the city implemented a trap-neuter-return (TNR) program, the existing colony would cease to breed, keep new cats from entering the colony, and the colony would slowly, over time, die out.
After an outcry from city residents, the city council has decided to put the practice "under review." However, that does not guarantee that they will decide to end it.
We must make sure that Jefferson city officials end their trap-and-kill and instead implement a more humane cat control program like TNR. Please sign the petition and tell Jefferson police to stop shooting cats.