EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt wants to grant himself the power to censor crucial scientific research at the EPA. If Pruitt gets his way, he will be the sole decider of what research is and isn't considered when the EPA is supposed to set lifesaving health standards.
This blatant power grab would wreak havoc on the EPA's mission to protect the environment and human health, and jeopardize the substantial progress our nation has achieved over the last 50 years in cleaning up our air, water, and land.
We must stop Pruitt. Please help by submitting a public comment to the EPA opposing Pruitt's anti-science scheme today!
Dear EPA Officials:
I urge you to reject Administrator Pruitt's proposal to grant himself the sole authority to determine which scientific findings will be considered -- and which will not -- when setting new environment and health standards at the EPA.
The EPA has a responsibility to fairly and objectively analyze all available research while devising rules and regulations. The health standards created and enforced by the EPA undoubtedly save lives.
We cannot allow anyone at the EPA, let alone its administrator, to censor science under the guise of "transparency," especially when we know that Pruitt has no concern for the environment or our families' health -- and instead wants to tip the scales in favor of big polluters and away from objective science.
To give Pruitt the power to unilaterally dismantle lifesaving environmental safeguards -- or censor crucial research that informs those safeguards -- is dangerous.
[Your comments]
This unprecedented power grab will not be condoned by the American people. I urge you to put an end to Pruitt's disastrous anti-science scheme.
[Your name]