End the Cycle of Hunger and Violence: Invest in Community Gardens

Did you know community gardens are proven, vibrant hubs for neighborhoods, offering fresh food, green spaces, and a sense of community?

Community gardens are more than just places to grow food; they're hubs for building community, learning new skills, and improving the environment. These gathering spaces foster connections and create a greener, healthier neighborhood.

Unfortunately, these vital neighborhood spaces often struggle due to a lack of government and infrastructure support.

The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) is a trusted national leader in advocating for and supporting community gardens. We support over 170 gardens in the Philadelphia region and advocate for policies that support these essential green spaces.

Here's why we need to act now:

· 13.5% of all Americans report being food insecure: Community gardens are a vital tool to combat food insecurity by acting as a source of fresh produce for residents who might otherwise struggle to afford it, especially in low-income neighborhoods.

· Community gardens can help reduce gun violence by up to 29%: Research conducted by the University of Pennsylvania of PHS greened vacant lots shows that gardens can foster a sense of community and discourage violence.

· Gardening improves mental and physical well-being: Numerous studies have shown that spending time gardening reduces stress and promotes physical and mental health.

· Urban areas account for 80% of the U.S. population, community gardens are becoming even more crucial: They provide essential green spaces in densely populated areas while also providing ecological benefits.

By supporting community gardens, we're investing in our communities' health and happiness.

Take action! Join us by signing and sharing this petition to show government officials that community gardens are essential.

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