Don't let the Department of Energy sneak nuclear waste into Nevada!

Nevadans should have the right to decide whether radioactive nuclear waste is shipped into the state. Unfortunately, National Nuclear Security Administration General Counsel Bruce Diamond recently revealed that radioactive plutonium has already entered the state, without real warning and without agreement from Nevadans.
Nevadans were told the issue of whether waste should be shipped into the state was an open-ended question that was still being negotiated, however the Trump administration was, once again, hiding their intentions or actions. In doing so, they knowingly deceived our elected and appointed state officials, misled a federal court, and completely betrayed the people of Nevada.
These actions of the Department of Energy are unacceptable.
Shipping highly-toxic material to and through our beautiful state, without proper notice, reveals this administration's complete disregard for the health and safety of all Nevadans.
Nevada should not be used as a dumping ground for other states' nuclear waste, which would jeopardize the health of our water, air, land, wildlife and threatens the safety of each and every citizen living here now or for future generations.
Nevadans deserve a full accounting of the decisions and actors that led to this disingenuous situation and endangerment of the people and environment of Nevada. Sign the petition today calling for real accountability and transparency from the Department of Energy, and to call for a hard line against any and all efforts to ship radioactive waste to Yucca Mountain.
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