Help Stop the Yulin Dog Meat Festival and Save Innocent Animal Lives!

Every summer, thousands of dogs are killed during the ten days of the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. And it's going to happen all over again.

We need people like you to speak out and join the rising movement of activists within China to stop this year's horrific festival!

One of the most heartbreaking things about the annual event is that many of the dogs killed are beloved household pets, abducted by kidnappers trying to make a quick buck as the dog festival begins. Other poor dogs are strays, snatched from the street and instead of given a loving home they are given a brutal death.

And the deaths are incredibly brutal due to a belief that fear hormones in dogs makes their meat taste better. Not only is there no science or evidence behind this -- it leads to enormous suffering. Dogs are beaten, drowned, burned alive, and endure so many other horrors so that they feel as much fear and pain as possible before they are slaughtered.

The good news is that the Chinese government is increasingly feeling the pressure, both from within China and from around the globe, to stop the Yulin Dog Meat Festival and the consumption of dog meat entirely. During the first few years of the festival, which began in 2009, between 10,000 and 15,000 dogs were killed each year. That number has since dropped to the low thousands in recent years.

Surveys show that the vast majority of Chinese folks do not eat dog meat, and are in favor of ending the festival for good! The tradition of eating dogs is one that most believe must come to an end.

The Yulin Dog Meat Festival is ever-shrinking, but we cannot stop until not a single dog is slaughtered in the name of this cruel tradition.

Sign the petition urging Chinese President Xi Jinping to finally ban the consumption of dog meat in China, and ban any future Yulin Dog Meat Festivals!
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