Much of the problem begins on roads we drive every single day. When litter piles up on bustling freeways and busy state roads, this garbage doesn't stay put – it pollutes. Rain moves the debris through storm drains into creeks and, ultimately, into the waters of San Francisco Bay. The victims are seals, pelicans, and other wildlife – choked and poisoned by trash.
Caltrans Isn't Cleaning It UpWho's at fault? Caltrans. This state agency, responsible for maintaining California's state roads and highways, is legally required to prevent trash pollution under the federal Clean Water Act. It should be removing litter from dirty freeways. It should be installing capture devices in storm drains so that trash doesn't poison fish or smother wetlands. When Caltrans fails to act, Bay Area cities face the consequences: costly cleanups and potential fines.
Join Us In Saving Our BayGovernor Brown and the Legislature have pledged to uphold federal environmental laws. The Regional Water Quality Control Board must hold them to their pledge and force Caltrans to start tackling this massive pollution problem. Together, we can dial up the pressure and turn this issue into action.
Sign Our PetitionJoin us in demanding that the Regional Water Quality Control Board enforce the federal Clean Water Act. It must require Caltrans to clean up littered roads and install devices that capture trash before it poisons our Bay. Sign this petition today.
Thank you for helping to protect the fish, wildlife, and many endangered species that call San Francisco Bay their home.
As Bay Area residents and taxpayers, we demand that the Water Board stop Caltrans from trashing San Francisco Bay.
Every time it rains, trash from busy state roads and freeways pours through storm drains directly into creeks and the Bay. It poisons fish and wildlife, smothers wetland habitat, blights the shoreline, and increases burdens for cities already struggling to comply with Water Board permit requirements.
Caltrans is legally required to prevent this trash pollution, but has been violating the federal Clean Water Act for years.
Despite the Water Board's Notice of Violation to Caltrans nearly a year ago, Caltrans has still not complied, and has no meaningful plan to halt its illegal pollution.
We demand the Water Board act immediately to ensure that Caltrans obeys the law, cleans up trashy roads, and installs full trash capture devices in the most littered areas, with penalties and fines for extended violations.
The Water Board must force Caltrans to obey the law and fulfill its duty to protect San Francisco Bay, its fish and wildlife, and the health of Bay Area residents.
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