Pledge to Fight Bear Baiting and End Animal Cruelty

Bear baiting is one of the world's most savage blood sports. During the displays, which take place in rural Pakistan, trained fighting dogs attack a tethered bear whose claws and teeth have been removed.
World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) and their partner organization in Pakistan, the Bioresource Research Centre (BRC), have helped to dramatically reduce bear baiting events by:
-- Working with the Pakistani government and wildlife officials to halt the fights.
-- Giving the bears rescued by WSPA a peaceful home at Balkasar sanctuary in Pakistan.
-- Educating potential spectators about the cruelty of bear baiting.
-- Calling for greater action to prevent illegal bear cub poaching.
-- Funding a program to provide bear owners a new, sustainable source of income in exchange for freeing their bear.
WSPA needs your help to stop bear baiting and end cruelty towards all animals. Take the pledge to support a world where animal cruelty has ended and animal welfare matters.
I pledge to support a world where animal welfare matters and animal cruelty has ended.
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