Overturn the ruling allowing AES Multinational Corporation to dump toxic waste in public landfills is Puerto rico
The Environmental Protection Agency has been allowing the dumping of over 300 thousand tons per year of toxic coal ash in public landfills in Puerto Rico.
The ash which was origionally supposed to be exported and properly disposed destroying the islands fresh water. The EPA concocted a secret arrangement amending the contract with Puerto Rico saving the corporation millions of dollars and has been causing increased cancer rates and respiratory problems.
The ash contains over 9,000 times the legal standards of Arsenic, Chromium, Boron, and Chloride.
It is left un-contained and exposed to wind and rain water and quickly degrading the fresh drinking water in Puerto Rico.
Permanent protest camps have formed and protests which include human blockades. Which have resulted in police brutality and many arrests.
It is our duty as American Citizens to raise awareness of this issue as it mirrors the mainland in cases such as Flint Michigan. Puerto Rico though not a state is a part of our nation. If we can not treat our own with dignity how can we justify our dealings internationally?
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