On December 31st, Changsha, Hunan, China. a golden retriever, chained up, was brutally beaten by a 'dog captivate police' for 4 long hours, the dog's head got bashed endless times, till its last breath. Despite its desperate mourning and public's beg, the evil police was enjoying bashing the head of a harmless dog for ever and ever.
I am concerned, like many many of others who are concerned here, there're petitions raised on the Chinese social networks, however, the government is trying to cover for him and media is reporting fake stories. People need to know the truth! The world needs to know what Chinese police is authorized to do to harmless animals! The 'police' is blood covering the whole street with the poor dog's blood, and he is enjoying doing it in public just like a show, and even was trying to threaten the people who tried to stop him!
A lot of Chinese animal lovers are begging for international awareness! International petition should be raised!
What I want to happen now is put justice to this poor dog who couldn't speak for itself, who was helpless and hopeless, but stayed in pure evil torture for hours till its last second! This policeman should be fired! and he should apologize for he has done to the society! and China should establish the anti animal abuse law!
Please Call to the police of Changsha, to let them know that covering for this evil fake 'police' is not the right thing to do, they should bring justice to all of us! they should punish this unauthorized fake police!
警务督察支队 police affair supervision branch
负 责 人:person in charge
吴国亮 wu guo liang
长沙市芙蓉区解放西路140号 jiefang xi lu 40, furong district, changsha.
电 话:phone number
+86 073182587740
长沙市公安局 Changsha police station
0086 0731—82224235
长沙市天心区公安分局 tianxin police of changsha
0086 0731—85895001
长沙市天心区公安分局金盆岭派出所 jinpengling paichusuo (the direct station this man is working at)
0086 0731—85212149
Hunan provincial supervisor phone:
0086 0731-88883590