Gray Wolves Could Soon Lose Their Protected Status, Thanks to Trump

  • by: Judy Molland
  • recipient: Greg Sheehan, Principal Deputy Director of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has announced that it has begun reviewing the status of the gray wolf in the lower 48 states under the Endangered Species Act and will publish a proposal revising the wolf's status "by the end of the calendar year."

Translation: gray wolves, by far the most populous wolves in the U.S., will probably lose their protected status and be at the mercy of hunters and trappers.

This is terrible news for the environment. Wolves need further recovery before their protections can be removed, but the Trump administration would prefer to let their cronies kill these wonderful animals.

Please sign my petition, asking the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service not to remove protections from gray wolves.

Update #25 years ago
On Tuesday, May 14th, Care2 is rallying with the Center for Biological Diversity, Endangered Species Coalition, and others to deliver more than 25,000 handwritten comments and 1 MILLION digital petition signatures. Will you join us in DC to stand up for America’s wolves? We'll be donning wolf masks and blasting recorded wolf howls, bringing the voices of the voiceless with us to flood the administration with support for wolves.
Update #16 years ago
A bill has passed that removes protection for gray wolves. But the fight is not over, an environment group has filed a lawsuit trying to keep them protected. That means they still need to hear from us! Please keep signing and sharing the petition.
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