End Indonesia's dog and cat meat trade
Every year, millions of dogs are brutally captured and transported throughout Indonesia for the dog meat trade.
Many of these animals are stolen family pets and illegally trafficked dogs collected from the streets and rural communities. They are crammed into cages and sacks so tightly that they can't move, their mouths bound shut so they can hardly breathe, and driven on excruciatingly long journeys on bikes or overcrowded trucks to supply markets, slaughterhouses and restaurants. Many die from suffocation, dehydration or heatstroke before they reach their final destination. For those who survive, their grim fate is to watch others being brutally killed in filthy slaughterhouses while they wait their turn.
We need your help in calling for an outright ban on the dog and cat meat trade.
Tell Indonesia's President Joko Widodo to end the dog and cat meat trade.
Please take action today and help stop this cruelty in Indonesia.
Dear President Widodo,
As a concerned animal advocate, I am calling on you to end the dog and cat meat trade.
Every year, millions of dogs are brutally captured and transported throughout Indonesia for the dog meat trade. Many of these animals are stolen family pets and illegally trafficked dogs collected from the streets and rural communities. They are crammed into cages and sacks so tightly that they can't move, their mouths bound shut so they can hardly breathe, and driven on excruciatingly long journeys on bikes or overcrowded trucks to supply markets, slaughterhouses and restaurants. Many die from suffocation, dehydration or heatstroke before they reach their final destination. For those who survive, their grim fate is to watch others being brutally killed in filthy slaughterhouses while they wait their turn.
The only way to stop the cruelty is by implementing an outright ban on the dog and cat meat trade. I urge you to make Indonesia a leader in the fight against the dog and cat meat by banning the trade in these products.
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