Individuals matter. As someone who is an advocate of compassionate conservation, I can tell you that killing lions is NOT a good solution to keep humans and lions safe from each other. This is because lions are an endangered species, and there are fewer than 20,000 of them left in the wild. Rather, I have proposed some solutions that will stop lions from killing people once and for all.
1. Remove bush pigs and sell them to zoos, wildlife parks, and animal sanctuaries around the world. Bush pigs attract lions into village land, causing them to attack people. By removing the bush pigs and sending them to zoos, wildlife parks, and/or wildlife sanctuaries around the world will stop lions from being attracted into village land.
2. Diversion feeding - This solution has been used with black bears and polar bears in North America. In the latter case, wildlife veterinarian Mark Evans found that diverting the attention of polar bears away from town with stashed food was successful, so why not do it with lions? For this solution, I propose that feeding lions stashed meat will distract them from eating people. If it can work for polar bears, it can surely work with lions. If fed stashed meat, the lions will have no reason at all to eat humans.
3. Fencing the perimeter of the villages - Fencing the perimeter of the villages will block lions from getting in, thus preventing people from being eaten by lions. In Africa, many safari lodges have fences around the perimeter, so why not do it with fencing the perimeter of the village land? For this, I propose putting fences around all the villages in Tanzania.
4. Playing sounds of territorial lions on a loudspeaker in village areas - Lions are highly territorial animals and will avoid each other's home ranges at all cost. Playing the roars of lions roaring on a loudspeaker could scare the lions away, as it will make them think that there are other lions in the area, and they might get attacked.
5. Pepper Spray, Rubber Bullets, and FireCrackers - There have been many deterrents used on bears in North America that could work on lions in Africa. In North America, the use of pepper spray against bears is highly effective, in more than 90 percent of cases, spraying bears with pepper spray scares the bear away. So why not do it with lions? Pepper spray can be used to scare off an attacking lion. Some people in North America use rubber bullets to scare away attacking bears. The rubber bullets do not kill, but they are painful, and will teach lions that humans are not worth attacking. Firecrackers can be used at night to scare away lions from villages.
6. Capturing man-eating lions and sending them to zoos, wildlife parks, and sanctuaries around the world, instead of killing them- Instead of killing them, man eating lions should be captured and sent to zoos, wildlife parks, and animal sanctuaries around the world. Here are some places you should send man-eating lions to - San Diego Zoo, Santa Ana Zoo, The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado, USA, Longleat Safari Park in the UK, Big Cat Rescue in Florida, USA, Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Texas, USA, Dubai Safari Park, Dubai, UAE, and London Zoo, London UK.
P.S, some of these projects are expensive, so please request funding from the American Chamber of Commerce or any other Chamber of Commerce in Tanzania.