The recent "Stay at Home" orders to protect people from COVID-19 are making life even harder for those who already feel trapped in abusive relationships.
According to a national survey of domestic violence shelters, 85 percent of women and 63 percent of children who entered shelters reported incidents of pet abuse in their homes.
Because many domestic violence shelters do not have the space to board pets, victims are faced with an incredibly difficult choice: abandon their pet or continue to face abuse at home.
In 2020, there are five states in the U.S. that do not have a single pet-friendly domestic violence shelter: Hawaii, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and West Virginia. This crippling unmet need presents a significant barrier for survivors and their pets seeking safety.
Even though they are putting their own lives at risk, up to 65 percent of victims stay in their domestic violence situation or delay leaving because they fear for their pet's safety.
That's why RedRover is working to ensure that every state has at least one domestic violence shelter that welcomes survivors and their pets by the end of 2020. We need caring and compassionate people like you to help us spread the word.
Sign to join RedRover's efforts to ensure that every state has at least one pet-friendly domestic violence shelter by the end of 2020.