Ask SpaceX and the FAA to Protect Sensitive Bird Habitat

The impacts on birds and other wildlife from SpaceX operations in Boca Chica, Texas are deeply concerning.
Ongoing construction, fires, and rocket debris are impacting critically important and sensitive habitat used by hundreds of thousands of individual birds.
Launch operations and expansions are putting at risk species including the federally Threatened Red Knot and Piping Plover, as well as the Endangered Northern Aplomado Falcon. According to an analysis by Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program in Corpus Christi, the Piping Plover population in the Boca Chica region has decreased by 54% over the past 3 years (2018-2021) since SpaceX started testing and launching rockets.
You can help protect birds in Boca Chica: Please demand a full-scale, in-depth analysis of SpaceX's environmental impacts.
SpaceX operations have significantly changed since 2014, when the company was authorized to test and launch much smaller rockets than those being proposed today. It is alarming that operations have been expanded without a comprehensive study of impacts on wildlife and the environment, and with little oversight from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
A full assessment must be conducted of how SpaceX operations are impacting habitats and impacts must be mitigated. Space exploration should not come at great cost to the environment and wildlife here on Earth.
Please ask the Federal Aviation Administration and SpaceX to take steps to protect birds and wildlife in Boca Chica, Texas!
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