Ban Rodenticides to Save Owls!

Every year hundreds of domestic and wild animals require emergency medical care to combat the deadly effects of poison.
This poison is not meant for them, but is widely used in rodent bait boxes around homes, parks, and businesses – public spaces that any animal might access.
Wildlife like owls and other raptors are some of the animals most likely to be the unintended victims of poison. Any animal that hunts or eats rodents could ingest poison and then suffer the same, slow, painful death of bleeding out internally.
The time has come to rethink our use of rodent poisons. Alternatives to rodenticides are growing in availability and effectiveness, and ongoing research will hopefully eliminate rodenticide use completely in future. Governments even stand to save money by addressing rodent control proactively rather than through endless poisoning programs.
Just because these products are legal to buy and sell, it does not mean they are humane. The good news is you can prevent painful suffering and save the lives of dogs, cats and innocent wildlife in your neighbourhood.
Sign the pledge to not use poison on your own property and encourage your municipality to do the same.
I pledge that poison will never be my first choice!
I pledge to protect, cats, dogs and vulnerable wildlife in my community by restricting the use of poison on my property. I believe that painful poisons should not be passed up the food chain and my first choice will always be to seek a more humane option.
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