New York lawmakers just passed a landmark climate and clean energy bill, setting a bold new goal for enough local solar energy to power one million homes and create 11,000 local jobs by 2025. But big utilities are pushing the Public Service Commission to impose unfair charges on solar customers that will spike energy bills and put solar out of reach for many New York families, especially those in low-income communities.
New York already has enough solar to power 281,000 homes — saving New Yorkers on their utility bills and reducing harmful pollution. The Empire State is poised to lead the way on our transition to a stronger, more resilient and more equitable clean energy future. Excessive charges will not only penalize people who invest in solar, but will threaten New York's growing clean economy and ambitious goals to fight the climate crisis.
Defend solar rights in New York! Tell Gov. Cuomo to oppose unfair fees on solar customers that will kill solar jobs and put solar out of reach for New York families.
Dear Governor Cuomo:
Rooftop solar reduces air pollution, conserves land, helps homeowners save money, and creates jobs. Already in New York, more than 9,000 New Yorkers work in the solar industry. When paired with batteries, rooftop solar can also greatly enhance the resiliency of our energy grid against future superstorms. The state's forward-thinking energy policies are helping to increase solar accessibility and create good local jobs.
However, I am concerned that the electric utilities have proposed new charges on solar customers that will reduce affordability, limit solar access and threaten solar jobs. If these excessive charges were approved by the Public Service Commission, they would penalize those who invest in solar and threaten the Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) initiative and New York's ambitious clean energy goals.
Your leadership was key to the passage of New York's landmark Climate Leadership & Community Protection Act, which codified your Green New Deal goal of 6GW of distributed solar into law. With only 12 years left to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, now is not the time to hit the breaks on solar development and opportunity. I urge you to ensure New York encourages more solar adoption and expands access. Please oppose excessive fees on solar customers that will negatively impact solar access and the growth of New York's rooftop solar industry.
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