The dolphins and killer whales of SeaWorld have made the company billions of dollars. But despite their importance to the to the company's bottom line, the treatment these animals receive is far from VIP.
SeaWorld's captive cetaceans live an unhappy and dangerous life. Whales have been seen ripping the skin off of one another, biting each other and even demonstrating signs of severe stress.
And under their management, the company has seen the death of nearly 50 orcas, including the famous Tilikum who died in 2017. Tilikum was the focus of the documentary "Blackfish," a film that chronicled his life, brought attention to his involvement in the deaths of three individuals and shined a spotlight on the consequences of keeping orcas in captivity.
Since Blackfish first debuted in 2013, SeaWorld has garnered massive public ridicule for the treatment of their whales but have yet to change.
Now one major company has taken a stand. When Thomas Cook — one of Europe's largest holiday package providers — asked their customers what they cared about, their response was loud and clear: animal welfare. Over 90% of their customer base told them they cared about the treatment of animals. So they took action by announcing they will no longer sell tickets to SeaWorld in the United States and Loro Parque in Spain since they continue to "keep orcas in captivity."
The announcement hammers one more nail in the coffin of the industry that subjects killer whales, dolphins, and other marine mammals to inhumane treatment and forces them to perform unnatural tricks.
But it's not enough. We need more companies who facilitate SeaWorld's business model to stop helping them make money off animal cruelty. Affecting their bottom line is the only way SeaWorld will change its practices and stop holding marine mammals in captivity.
That's why Care2 is going big by asking American Express, the "official card of SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment," to break their partnership with the park and to stop processing their payments altogether. Please join the fight for animal rights by signing our petition.