Scruffles the dog died while at PetSmart for grooming

A pet owner dropped her bulldog, Scruffles, off at PetSmart to be groomed and an hour later she got the call that her dog was dead. 

Please sign my petition to demand that PetSmart investigates what happened and provides a public report.

The safety and health of the animals entrusted to the care of groomers must be taken very seriously. But when the woman's husband called PetSmart, he was told the matter is under investigation. The family hasn't been able to speak with the groomer about their dog's condition before he died, and they say they haven't received much information from PetSmart. The brand says they say refuse to provide a written report summarizing the investigation.

Please sign this petition to demand PetSmart provide a public written report about what happened.

Industry standard is that if an animal gets sick or hurt during grooming that the groomer and/or manager would call the owner and accompany the animal to the designated veterinary hospital. Why would this dog be dropped off alone at an animal hospital? The vet said Scruffles was already dead when she arrived, meaning she died in the groomer's care.

Accidents happen and bulldogs are notorious for health issues. But if there was no foul play, then why is PetSmart being refusing to release a written report summarizing the investigation?

Scruffles' condition worsened during the drying process and PetSmart said the employees followed all PetSmart policies and procedures. My friend is a groomer, and she says some salons, including her own, have policies not to use dryers on bulldogs because of their known health issues. PetSmart should consider the same policy, especially after Scruffle's death.

Sign on to demand that PetSmart release all the information on what happened to Scruffles and change any policies that need to be changed to protect the pets in their care.
Update #46 years ago
Scruffles’ family has decided to take PetSmart to court for the horrible death of their dog. Head over to their gofundme if you’d like to help with legal fees.
Update #36 years ago
Another dog has been abused at PetSmart. We need to keep the pressure up to keep our pets safe. Keep sharing the petition, please.
Update #27 years ago
Thanks to our pressure, PetSmart has launched a new program to try to make grooming safer. We’ll see how well it is implemented. But this still doesn’t offer answers about Scruffles. So our work is not done. Please keep sharing the petition. PetSmart is paying attention. Let’s keep telling them how we feel.
Update #17 years ago
As it turns out, this is a pattern at PetSmart! The Justice for Scruffles FB page continues to highlight all the tragic stories of animals dying in PetSmart's hands. And in some cases, owners are then billed for the veterinarian care. This is outrageous. Please keep sharing the petition. We have to demand PetSmart does better with our animals!
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