Dear Secretary Ryan Zinke.
I am one of the few youngest wildlife campaigners from Africa who is risking his life fighting for the heritage of this beautiful continent.
I am writing this letter with a lot of tears and pain from my heart after I have heard the shocking and heartbreaking news that President Trump is about to lift ban on importing elephant and Lion trophies from Africa(Zimbabwe and Zambia).I am aware that President Trump said he has decided to put a decisionon on hold but It will be great if the ban is reinstated not just put on hold. Please advise Mr. President never to lift the ban.
The impact of the policy reversal will not only push these two species to the brink of extinction but also endanger the the lives of my people, brave men and women, who risk their lives daily to protect our natural world and our many species. The reason behind is because Trophy Hunting in Africa is strongly connected to Poaching. Here in Africa it is not a secret that some of these hunting companies are alleged to take part in illegal wildlife trafficking and poaching. So please do something to stop the plan of reversing the ban before it's too late.
The idea that trophy hunting brings a conservation incentive to local people to save species is not only counter-intuitive, it is a logical fallacy. I was born in a small village surrounded by game reserves in Northen part of Tanzania.I have never seen a single coin coming from this barbaric act and so none of my villagers. If you take a stand against this policy reversal none of these wealthy clubs of big game sport hunters will dare coming to Africa and slaughter thousands of endangered species under the umbrella of conservation. Please do the right thing for my people, stop the policy reversal. Thank you for your time.
Abbas Mvungi
Dear animal lovers,Connect with me on facebook so that we can be able to change this world together(My account name is Abbas Mvungi ).Please SIGN this petition and SHARE to all your friends to help my open letter to reach Secretary Ryan Zinke to stand against the policy reversal.