Ban the Import of Trophy-hunted Lions

For the first time since lions were protected under the Endangered Species Act, the Trump administration has approved a trophy-import permit for a threatened lion killed in Tanzania.
This disgusting decision is likely just the tip of the iceberg, as it signals the potential for Trump to greenlight more lion, and maybe even elephant, trophy imports.
But there's hope: The House Natural Resources Committee just approved the Conserving Ecosystems by Ceasing the Importation of Large Animal Trophies (CECIL) Act to ban U.S. imports of elephant and lion trophies from Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Tell your representative to support this important legislation as it moves forward. This import permit bodes ill for wildlife in Tanzania, home to roughly 40 percent of Africa's lions and up to half of the elephants in eastern Africa.
We need to halt the slaughter of Tanzania's wildlife before it begins — and stop wealthy trophy hunters from killing them for sport.
Despite Trump calling trophy hunting a "horror show," his administration reversed a ban on elephant-trophy imports from Zimbabwe. Now it's issued this permit to a Florida-based lion hunter whose lawyer sits on Trump's sham, pro-trophy-hunting council.
The CECIL Act would abolish the International Wildlife Conservation Council, made up mostly of trophy hunters and NRA and Safari Club members. It would also ensure public notice of elephant and lion trophy-import decisions before they're made, putting an end to the Trump administration's backdoor dealings with these kinds of hunters.
Send a letter today urging Congress to approve the CECIL Act.
Dear [Representative],
We're in the midst of a global extinction crisis. Yet our government is allowing rich U.S. trophy hunters to kill other countries' threatened and endangered species. This practice has to end.
[Your comment will be added here]
Please support the Conserving Ecosystems by Ceasing the Importation of Large Animal Trophies (CECIL) Act to ban U.S. imports of elephant and lion trophies from Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Africa's threatened lions and elephants should stay where they are, alive and well. So please — do everything you can to make sure they're not gunned down and brought to the United States to serve as wall hangings.
[Your name]
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