Sign now to help end the wildlife trade!

Poached or bred into a lifetime of suffering — this is no life for wildlife. Canada needs to do better.
Did you know that Canada plays a significant role in the global commercial wildlife trade? Our government allows millions of wild animals and products made from them to pass across our borders. The wildlife trade causes animal suffering at huge scale.
Bears are poached here in Canada for their bile which is sold into the Traditional Asian Medicine market. African grey parrots are lured from the treetops and trapped in an adhesive like glue so they can be caged and shipped to Canada to be used as exotic pets or in breeding facilities to fuel the industry.
Millions of animals are snatched from the wild or bred in intensive unnatural conditions. They are shipped around the world often in cramped and dirty conditions, many die in before they reach their final destination.
The farming and poaching of these animals finances industries that exploit animals for exotic pets and entertainment, Traditional Asian Medicine and other non-essential, luxury products and meat.
Between 2014-2020, an estimated 2 million wild animals were imported into Canada. More than 90% of these importations were not subject to any government permits, restrictions or pathogen screening, despite many of these animals coming from emerging disease hotspots such as Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines.
The wildlife trade has also been implicated in wildlife population decline, introduction of invasive species and the spread of diseases that can be transmitted from animals to people.
Most animals are being imported for wildlife farming or to supply the exotic pet trade. An estimated 1.4 million wild animals are kept as pets in Canada; this demand fuels the alarming rates of exotic pet import, export, and breeding in Canada.
This cruelty and unnecessary suffering needs to stop! Wild animals need you to act now!
World Animal Protection is working in Canada and with governments around the world to curb the wildlife trade. You can help move the world for wild animals.
Sign now to join us and help end the wildlife trade.
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