The Trump Administration is proposing to open coastal waters, including those off the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, to oil drilling. The Chesapeake Bay is a national treasure, and drilling offshore poses unjustifiable risks to the Bay, its wildlife, the tourism economy, and the thousands of jobs that depend on clean water.
At a time when the nation needs to drastically reduce greenhouse gases, it's irresponsible to expand fossil fuel exploration and development offshore.
No matter where fossil fuels are burned, the Chesapeake Bay suffers from sea level rise inundation of our fragile wetlands and historic communities, acidic waters that threaten our seafood industry, and more intense storms washing pollution into our rivers and streams.
The Department of Interior is accepting public comment on its proposal before March 9. Join us in demanding that the Department of Interior not expand drilling off the coasts of Maryland and Virginia. Our health, economy, and Bay depend on it. We are beginning to see progress in Bay restoration. Now is not the time to put that progress at risk.
Sign today and tell the Department of Interior—before the March 9, 2018 deadline!—that oil and gas drilling off the coasts of Maryland and Virginia poses an unjustifiable risk to our environment and economy. Please be sure to personalize your message so it will have the most impact.
Dear Secretary Zinke,
I am very concerned about your plan to open the waters off the coasts of Maryland and Virginia to oil and gas drilling. After careful consideration, these waters were closed to such activities in the 2017-2022 plan, and for good reason: The Chesapeake Bay is a national treasure. It provides not only esthetic beauty to the region, but billions of dollars in annual revenue from the sale of seafood and recreational fishing and sporting activities. These industries support hundreds of thousands of jobs.
[Your comment will be added here]
The waters off the mouth of the Chesapeake are as much a part of the Bay system as all the fresh water rivers that feed it. These ocean waters play a critical role in supporting the Bay's natural resources. The blue crab, for example, utilize these waters during sensitive early stages of life. Striped Bass, Atlantic Menhaden and American Shad also rely on these coastal waters at various stages of their life cycle.
As you know, oil and gas drilling pose numerous risks. Day-to-day operational risks include water and air pollution (including the disruption of sensitive coastal and wetlands habitats and emissions of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and sulfur oxides). Because of its current fragile state, there is a multi-jurisdictional plan in place to restore the Bay - The Chesapeake Bay Blueprint. This plan is working, we are beginning to see progress as a result of the actions taken across the region. But, increases in water and air pollution from oil and gas drilling will derail these efforts. The Bay region simply cannot afford to take these risks.
And, of course, the potential for a major oil spill – like the Deepwater Horizon disaster – would be catastrophic to the Bay.
There is no need to put our precious Bay resources at risk or further our dependence on fossil fuels by expanding offshore drilling in the Atlantic. The United States has a surplus in oil and gas resources and is currently exporting oil and gas at a record-setting rate. Maryland and Virginia are sensibly moving forward with offshore wind development to meet our region's energy demands. At a time when the nation needs to drastically reduce greenhouse gases, it is irresponsible to expand fossil fuel exploration and development offshore. No matter where fossil fuels are burned, the Chesapeake Bay suffers from sea level rise inundating our fragile wetlands and historic communities, acidic waters threatening our seafood industry and more intense storms washing pollution into our rivers and streams.
I oppose your plan to open the waters off the coasts of Maryland and Virginia to oil and gas drilling and urge your department to remove these areas from the 2019-2024 Five-Year Program. The risks associated with oil and gas drilling to the health of the Chesapeake Bay, its restoration and the economies in the region are unacceptable.
Thank you,
[your name]