Real fur generally comes from one of two cruel practices: fur trapping and fur farming.
In fur trapping, the trapper will often set a leg-hold trap out in the wild. When any unsuspecting animal steps on the trap, they will get caught and, sometimes, injured. If the animal is "lucky", the trapper will come quickly and kill them. If the animal is even more unlucky, they will be left to suffer pain, starvation, thirst, infection and/or illness. They will then sometimes be killed by strangulation or beating.
In fur farming, animals such as foxes, mink and raccoons are sometimes kept in very cruel conditions in cages. When the time comes for them to be killed to be turned into fur coats, hats and trim, they will sometimes be killed by having their necks broken, gassing or poisoning.
For down, geese and ducks may be plucked alive. This can be forceful (if I am correct). This could also be very painful and agonising for the poor geese and ducks.
Despite this cruelty, fashion company Burberry continue to sell real fur from animals like raccoons, and down and feathers from birds such as geese. I can understand someone wearing fur out of necessity for survival, but not just for fashion's sake.
We, the undersigned, would like to ask Burberry politely to stop selling real fur just for fashion. We pledge to boycott Burberry until they do this.