A Woman Died in Disney World. Now Her Husband is Being Denied Justice Because He Agreed to the Disney+ Terms of Service Years Ago.

You've heard of a Disney villain. But right now, Disney is the villain.

For many, Disney World is a place people dream of going to with friends, family, and loved ones. But for one married couple last year, it became a nightmare. A negligent restaurant served the pair contaminated food after multiple reminders that the woman had severe, life-threatening allergies.

The poor woman, Dr. Kanokporn Tangsuan, died from her allergic reaction. And now, on top of grieving the death of his life partner, Jeffrey Piccolo, Tangsuan's husband, is now being put through hell by Disney as he tries to get justice.

Sign the petition to stop greedy, power-hungry corporations from evading justice!

Years ago, Jeffrey Piccolo signed up for a Disney+ streaming account. Disney is now claiming that, buried in its terms of service, is a clause that took away Piccolo's right to sue the company and have a public trial. This man's wife died a tragic death on Disney's watch, and it has the audacity to claim its terms of service for streaming video at home means her family cannot hold it accountable.

Disney is utilizing "forced arbitration," something that has been letting massive companies act above the law for years.

Forced arbitration as a part of its terms of service is basically a company saying that, to use its services -- from rideshare apps, to streaming platforms, and so on -- you must waive your right to a public trial and rather agree to private arbitration should a suable offense happen. These extremely long, and cleverly worded agreements help the company hide the fact that there is virtually no way of taking real legal action against them. This forces plaintiffs to resolve cases outside the U.S. justice system, in private arbitration behind closed doors. And it is quite likely that victims won't get the real justice they seek and deserve, and the billion-dollar corporation gets to avoid a public trial.

If Piccolo knew that signing up for Disney+ would mean he basically forfeits his wife's life and justice for her death, surely he would have thought twice. This clause that Disney is hiding behind is cowardly and evil.

Disney received some pretty horrific publicity surrounding its refusal to take accountability and support Piccolo's request for $50,000 (company is valued at $164.45 billion). Now, of course, with backlash threatening its reputation and profits, it has agreed to allow the matter to go to court. But imagine how many more people could be bullied by Disney if it is still allowed to force arbitration in other cases! Some victims may not have the time, resources, or news coverage to pressure the company into doing the right thing.

And imagine how deep and wide the problem goes knowing that many, many more companies used forced arbitration. That's why we need to put an end to forced arbitration for all companies. Sign this petition to urge Congress to end forced arbitration once and for all and protect the rights of all Americans to seek justice and hold corporations accountable!
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