Tell the UK Government that intensive pesticide use is not ok!

Farming has become reliant on the intensive use of pesticides. They are considered a major contributor to wildlife decline and can affect our health, but despite increasing evidence of the dangers their use continues and they've found their way into our food, soils, rivers and wildlife — it must stop.
The Government has launched a consultation into its National Action Plan for Sustainable Pesticide Use. We have a chance to ensure this Plan puts our wildlife and our health first.
We are demanding:
— An ambitious national pesticide reduction target - by amount and toxicity.
— Phasing out the use of pesticides in certain areas, such as near schools and playgrounds, and of pesticides that are particularly concerning for wildlife and health.
— Financial support, independent advice, and research to support farmers in a transition to nature-friendly systems that don't rely on pesticides.
Pledge your support for these demands — tell Government intensive pesticide use needs to stop!
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