Pledge to Stand Up #ForTheAnimals on World Farm Animals Day

World Farm Animals Day is coming up on October 2. Let's use it as a time to rise up. To disrupt. To create change. Take a stand for animals today!
Chickens, cows, pigs, and other animals raised on factory farms lead miserable lives beyond our human imagination. Billions are never able to engage in natural behaviors, or experience the world around them in their short lifetime. Yet, after enduring this suffering, their final hours are filled with even greater terror and pain.
At The Humane League, we know it doesn't have to be this way. Fueled by a strong and growing body of activists and supporters around the world, we are working to end the abuse of animals raised for food. And, we're making an impact!
By mobilizing people to take action, we have moved restaurants like Starbucks, Chipotle, TGI Fridays, and dozens of others to commit to eliminating some of the cruellest practices animals face on factory farms. But, there are many companies still allowing animals to needlessly suffer. We need your help!
Pledge your support #ForTheAnimals to be the change today. When you sign up, we will send you information about ways you can get active in our change-making community, as well as exciting updates on our campaigns and programs.
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