Don't let Washington become a coal mining state

Pacific Coast Coal Company is trying to re-open a shuttered coal mine at the John Henry No. 1 Coal Mine just outside of Black Diamond in King County. After more than 20 years of dormancy and repeated violations for improper waste disposal, their attempt resume open-pit coal mining is unacceptable.
There are zero active coal mines in Washington and we are leading the nation in equitable and effective climate policy. Now is the time for climate action, not new coal mines. Re-opening the shuttered John Henry coal mine in King County would threaten our clean air and water and undermine our progress toward building a clean economy.
Even worse, Pacific Coast Coal, the company behind the proposal, has a track record of permit violations, illegal dumping into local creeks and lakes, and failing to clean up waste at the mine.
If re-opened, the John Henry Mine would dump stormwater and mine-dewatering liquid into nearby lakes. This coal mine will cause harmful environmental impacts to local water quality, hydrology, and air quality and would reverse decades of progress towards transitioning Washington away from dirty fossil fuels.
Don't let Washington become a coal mining state — sign on to show your opposition.
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