Kittens' Lives Are at Risk. A Cat Distribution System Could Help Save These Kitties by Preventing Overcrowding at Shelters.

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Kitten season is upon us, and cities around the U.S. are facing an urgent crisis of overpopulation. That's especially true in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, where the local shelters are overwhelmed by the influx of tiny, vulnerable kittens - many of whom arrive without their mothers, desperately needing care.

The shelters are already filled to capacity, and kitten season isn't even over yet. On one recent Tuesday alone, people brought in 32 stray kittens. The influx is so intense, adoptions can't even keep up. One shelter has already arranged for approximately 160 kittens to be fostered, but it's just not enough.

Without enough foster families, countless kittens face the heartbreaking prospect of euthanasia due to lack of care.

We must act swiftly to address this crisis. What if Oklahoma City had a dedicated "Cat Distribution System" (CDS) to connect rescuers with potential adopters and fosters? Join us in urging Oklahoma City officials to prioritize the creation of a Cat Distribution System. Sign the petition now!

A cat distribution system would help quickly connect potential foster families or adopters with animal shelters and rescue organizations, to improve chances of matching cats with people who can help them. Such a network could streamline the process of fostering and adopting out animals, ensuring that every kitten has a chance at a loving home and the care they desperately need.

Importantly, it would also prevent euthanasia.

This season is a critical time for the survival of countless kittens. They rely on us to advocate for their well-being and to find solutions that ensure their safety. By creating a CDS, we can make a tangible difference and provide a lifeline to these innocent creatures.

Together, we can make a change that matters. Sign now and help us create a brighter future for Oklahoma City's kittens!
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