South Korean Bears Need Your Help Today!
This September, a bill to phase out bear farming will be proposed to the Korean government for the entire Parliament to debate. Right now over 1,400 bears are suffering on bear bile farms in South Korea. They're reared in cramped, barren cages until the age of ten, when they are slaughtered for their bile.
Not only is bear farming cruel, but it is also unnecessary. Experts in South Korea agree that there are many readily available herbal and synthetic alternatives to bear bile. Even bear farmers in South Korea acknowledge their farms are losing money and they are prepared to consider a phase out.
Bear farming is still legal under South Korean law, but fortunately, the current Korean government is willing to find a way to end this suffering. The Korean Ministry of the Environment has been in discussions with WSPA and GKU about how to end bear farming. Sign the petition to tell the Korean parliament you support a ban on bear bile farming.
Dear [Decision Maker],
I strongly support a phase out of bear farming in South Korea, and urge the South Korean government to pass the proposed bill, which will see no further bears entering this cruel and unnecessary industry.
Right now over 1,400 bears are suffering on bear bile farms in South Korea. They're reared in cramped, barren cages until the age of ten, when they are slaughtered for their bile. Not only is bear farming cruel, but it is also unnecessary. Academics, experts and Traditional Asian Medicine advocates in South Korea agree that there are many readily available herbal and synthetic alternatives to bear bile
[Your comment will be inserted here.]
The Korean Ministry of the Environment has been in discussions with WSPA and GKU about how to end bear farming. I want to thank you for all the steps you've already taken to prevent the cruel treatment of bears, and I urge you to take the final step: pass a ban on bear bile farming.
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