Petition to End Modern-Day Slavery: The Amazing Change

"There are more slaves in the world today than during all 400 years of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade" - Sourced by Kevin Bales.  1999.  Disposable People:  New Slavery in the Global Economy.

"It's estimated that 27 million people are in slavery around the world" - Sourced by the UN, New York Times, Amnesty International, The Christian Science Monitor, and Free The Slaves, among others.

It is difficult to imagine that people in the world today are still bought and sold, bartered for and mistreated, but the plight of modern day slaves is all too real. Whether it's forced labor, forced child labor or bonded slavery with men, women and children toiling on plantations, in rice mills, brick kilns and many other industries; or the deplorable and prevalent trade in humans to serve as sex slaves, slavery is flourishing in many parts of the world.  It is still every bit as ugly as it was 200 years ago and it must end.

No matter what our religious beliefs or political affiliation, we can all agree that children, women and men should not be treated this way.  Please sign this short petition which will be presented to the U.N. as well as the U.S. and U.K. governments.
We, the undersigned, affirm the inherent dignity and worth of all people and the right of every child and adult to live free from slavery and involuntary servitude. We call upon world leaders to commit themselves to the abolition of slavery around the world. Let our signatures demonstrate our desire to see the emancipation of slaves and accountability for slave masters and others who benefit from the enslavement of people.

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