Threats to Humanitarian Aid in Sudan

The Government of Sudan has revoked the licenses of 16 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that account for more than half of the humanitarian work in Darfur.

In Darfur, where approximately 2.7 million people (half of which are children) are displaced from their homes, NGOs play a pivotal role in providing lifesaving humanitarian aid such as food, shelter, clean water, vaccines, healthcare, education and more.

Currently, groups such as UNICEF and the remaining NGOs are working to fill in the immediate gaps, but if the licenses from these revoked agencies are not restored, it will have immediate and long lasting impacts on the well-being of millions of Sudanese citizens.

In the meantime, it's important to show support for UNICEF and their increased relief activities in Sudan.

I support the work of UNICEF in their efforts to provide clean water, health care, food, education and support to the victims of the brutal violence throughout various countries in Africa.

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For years, UNICEF has maintained a significant humanitarian operation in Africa, helping scores of children and families with lifesaving supplies and initiatives. Yet on March 4, the government of Sudan revoked the licenses of 16 humanitarian organizations, suspending their activities in the country.

Fortunately, UNICEF and its UN partners are able to continue operating in Sudan and are doing everything they can to fill crucial gaps, but the loss of these invaluable partners has undoubtedly stressed the system.

In recent months, UNICEF has increased the humanitarian relief activities in Sudan and is working around the clock to help ensure children do not suffer from the suspension of the 16 humanitarian organizations.

I support the work of UNICEF in their efforts to meet the immediate needs of people throughout Sudan including drilling new wells, building latrines and distributing a wide range of vital supplies such as vaccines, medicines and surgical equipment that work to save hundreds of thousand of lives.
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