Qualified Compassionate Bureau Chief for the Houston City Pound

To Mayor Bill White: In order to improve the deplorable conditions at the City of Houston Bureau of Animal Regulation and Control, the Bureau Chief needs to be replaced immediately.  The position of Bureau Chief should be posted and a search for a new Bureau Chief implemented without delay. The person chosen must either have shelter experience or demonstrated the capacity for leading a major city pound to become a first rate shelter in which animals are treated humanely and all healthy and treatable animals are saved and every effort made to rehome them.
The City of Houston advertises itself to the world as a modern, progressive city offering a high quality of life. How it treats homeless and abused animals does not - at this point in its history - point to that as completely true.
In order to improve the deplorable conditions at the City of Houston Bureau of Animal Regulation and Control, the Bureau Chief needs to be replaced immediately.  The position of Bureau Chief should be posted and a search for a new Bureau Chief implemented without delay. The person chosen must either have shelter experience or demonstrated the capacity for leading a major city pound to become a first rate shelter in which animals are treated humanely and all healthy and treatable animals are saved and every effort made to rehome them.
The City of Houston advertises itself to the world as a modern, progressive city offering a high quality of life. How it treats homeless and abused animals does not - at this point in its history - point to that as completely true. Animals are still being washed down the drain and euthanized in cages because their feet are caught in horrible old grates. The city provided for artwork for the lobby but not for mats to cover the grates to prevent this horrible tragedy.
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