Legislation to Protect the Integrity of Military Awards

A Petition urging Congress to amend Title 18 (USC) to protect Military Awards. A House and a Senate Bill have been introduced on this measure, titled "The Stolen Valor Act of 2005." We now have 89 Co-Sponsors for H.R. 3352 and 18 Co-Sponsors for S. 1998. We need more House and Senate Co-Sponsors to force this bill to a hearing. In addition to signing this petition, please CALL your legislators and URGE them to Co-Sign the respective bills. Keep track of this legislation by visiting http://www.homeofheroes.com/herobill .

As veterans, active duty military personnel, and civilians of the United States, we do hereby call upon the members of Congress to take appropriate steps to amend Title 18 of the U.S. Code to close up loopholes through which certain individuals escape prosecution from the unauthorized claim to combat medals they did not earn.

It is the recommendation of the undersigned that Title 18, Chapter 3, § 174 of the U.S. Code should be amended to include the following:

"Whoever knowingly and fraudulently wears and/or represents him or her self as having received a Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Navy Cross or Air Force Cross, except when authorized under regulations made pursuant to law, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both."

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