Tell Congress: Protect Conservation Funding

Clean air and water. Astonishing vistas and precious, unique natural places. Wildlife, wide open spaces, and cultural resources. These are all part of an irreplaceable heritage handed down by generations of Americans, and a legacy we must safeguard.

The Administration's budget proposal strips much of the critical funding required to preserve this legacy and protect the natural resources that sustain us all.

It's simple: we can't protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, and our nation's natural places unless we protect essential conservation and science funding. Together, we must call on Congress to ensure that funding levels stay strong and vital conservation programs and services do not end up on the chopping block.

Because undermining conservation doesn't just hurt wildlife and natural treasures—it harms local communities and our national economy.

Stand with us now and tell Congress to protect funding for conservation.

Dear Senators and Representative,

Congress must act to preserve funding for essential conservation and environmental protection efforts to strengthen our economy, create jobs, protect clean air and water, and preserve the unique natural legacy that is essential to our nation's future. 

Undermining conservation doesn't just hurt wildlife and our natural treasures, it harms local communities, our health and our national economy. Natural resources and outdoor recreation are a fundamental foundation of the American economy. They create billions of dollars in annual revenue, and millions of jobs. 

Federal funding is essential to meeting our responsibilities as stewards of this planet and our country's valuable natural wonders. I urge you to commit to this stewardship by protecting federal funding for conservation and science efforts.

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