Take action to end the dog and cat meat trade in Southeast Asia

Every year, millions of dogs and cats are mercilessly killed for the dog and cat meat trade in Southeast Asia.

This includes stray animals but also sadly family pets who are often stolen from their gardens, homes, or snatched while wandering outside. They are often killed using brutal methods such as drowning, beating, stabbing, or even burnt alive. In addition to being horrendously cruel, practices in the dog and cat meat trade facilitate the emergence and spread of viruses such as rabies, which can impact both animals and people.

Help us end this brutal trade.

Please sign our petition today to help protect millions of animals from this cruel trade.

By adding your name, you'll join a global movement of people calling for an end to: 

  • The theft of millions of family pets in Southeast Asia slaughtered for the trade 
  • The capture of stray cats and dogs from the streets of Southeast Asia for their meat
  • The use of brutal killing methods such as drowning and hanging  
  • The risk of rabies to humans and animals through this trade.

Sign our petition now and join a global movement demanding an end to the dog and cat meat trade in Southeast Asia!

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