Sign to help those suffering from hunger around the world!

A dangerous combination of factors—conflicts and displacement, extreme weather, outbreaks of disease and economic uncertainty—has created a global hunger crisis, putting additional pressure on people who already have trouble putting food on the table.

The situation is particularly dire in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East, where years of drought, conflict, the COVID-19 pandemic and economic upheaval have recently been further compounded by the war in Ukraine and the disruptions in shipments of food and fertilizer to the region that it has caused. Millions are living on the brink of famine, not knowing where their—or their children's—next meal will come from.

International Medical Corps is responding to the global hunger crisis by providing a wide range of services in countries around the world, focusing on young children, pregnant women and new mothers, and people who have been displaced by conflict. Our response includes emergency food assistance, essential medicines, medical care and training nutrition health workers. And we also provide water, sanitation and hygiene services because clean water and proper hygiene are critical for good health, especially when populations have been weakened by malnourishment.

Sign now to join International Medical Corps and support our mission to end global hunger and provide health and hope in 30 countries worldwide!
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