Tell Romney: Our Government Isn't Just For the Super Wealthy

"I don't think the common person is getting it... they don't understand what's going on.
I just think if you're lower income -- one, you're not as educated, two, they don't understand how it works."

This is an actual quote from a major Romney donor who attended a fundraiser organized by the Koch brothers this weekend.

This country can't afford to elect a man who thinks you have to own a yacht, keep your money in off shore bank accounts, or count yourself among the super-rich to "understand how it works."

Tell the out-of-touch Romney your government is not for sale!

I will not stand by as Republicans sell my government to the highest bidder.

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Those of us who cannot afford a yacht, who don't keep our money in off shore bank accounts, or count ourselves among the super-rich still deserve a chance to participate in government.

My opinion is important, and yes, I do "understand how it works." I may not have as much money as the Koch brothers, but as long as our government is still a democracy, my voice will be heard!
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