Loyalty to the Chief

  • av: Jason Baker
  • mottagare: University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Now that the decision has been made official; we must continue to show our support for the Chief.  I encourage everyone to stick to their guns, and find new places for their monetary donations.  Donate to Orange Krush or campus philantrhopy groups; but lets show the U of I we are serious in our support for the Chief.  We all know he will live forever.


Now that the Chief is gone; its time to get rid of BOT Chairman Eppley as well.

*Please note, that when I call for a cessation of donations, I am not calling for the elimination of funds being donated to Orange Krush and other student groups such as fraternities etc.  That money beneifts the students and the charities they support.

My goal is cease funding to groups such as the I-Fund, which will show the BOT that they have in fact hurt Illinois athletics and not helped them.  I am also calling for the cancelation of Alumni Association Memberships as well as large donations made to the University at large.

The U of I and the Board of Trustees ignored the emotional pleas of a majority, and took our threats of ended donations lightly and so we must move to new efforts. Not only did they steal our tradition and symbol, but they paid no mind to the thoughts and wishes of the Illini community.

We must not let our beloved Univeristy cave into the demands of the NCAA and their "selective" pushes for political correctness.  We must continue to fight and show the NCAA the true meaning of and support for the Chief. If nothing else, a REAL consensus must be reached on a way to maintain the tradition of the Fighting Illini and Chief Illiniwek.

*For those hesitant to offer their support in light of the call to end donations completely; please know that I will be the first to resume my University donations when some reasonable semblence of the Chief tradition is maintained/restored. 

It is my intent to have this petition delivered to the Board at their next meeting March 13th


The undersigned hereby extend their anger, disgust, displeasure, and ultimately sadness to the University of Illinois in addition to what will no doubt be thousands of letters.
 Despite the overwhelming amount of support from Illinois alumni and students for Chief Illiniwek the University caved into the dissent of a minority in making their decision. 
An 80 year tradition has been robbed from those who have experienced it, those who currently do, and those who will never have the chance.  Never again will a Memorial Stadium full of people stand and join the Chief for the 3 in 1 and never again will the Orange Krush rush to line the floor and stand inches from the Chief.  Although many will no doubt even cry at his last game, the University feels they have acted in their best interest.
They will soon learn that they have not however.  The undersigned (be they student or alumni) state that they have or will soon be canceling any membership affiliation with the University that pays dues, and will no longer donate money in any form to a University of Illinois that is without Chief Illiniwek.
Some may say this hurts the University, but the University hurt us.  We honored and cherished the Chief for over 80 years and it was stolen from us by a small minority who are yet to understand what he really means.
The goal of 16,692 signatures is representative of the saddened number of ticket bearers who will be present for the sad occassion of Chief Illiniwek's final performance at Assembly Hall.
The undersigned hereby display their extreme displeasure and anger with the University of Illinois and wish to state their intent to show this through the termination of all donations to what is our beloved University. 

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