Canada: Demand Real Public Consultations on the TPP

With the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) text finally revealed, it's time for the Canadian government to hold real public consultations After years of secret talks where only cleared advisors and lobbyists were consulted — with no input from Parliament, civil society organizations, or people like you — a full democratic accounting of this far-reaching deal is long overdue.

But today Canada has a new government promising to be open and responsive to the people. That means now our voices may actually be heard on key national issues.

The TPP is priority one for new Minister of International Trade Chrystia Freeland. And right now she is welcoming "suggestions and ideas from all Canadians" on the massive TPP deal. So let's share our concerns!

Here's what we're asking Prime Minister Trudeau and Trade Minister Freeland to do on the TPP:

1. Comprehensive and independent analysis of the TPP text
2. Public hearings in each province and territory
3. Protect any progress made in Paris at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21)
4. Remove health care and pharmaceuticals from the TPP

Please join us in demanding real public consultations on the TPP!
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister and Chrystia Freeland, Minister of International Trade 
Rona Ambrose, Leader of the Conservative Party
Thomas Mulcair, Leader of the NDP
Rhéal Fortin, Leader of the Bloc Québécois
Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party

Hold real public consultations on the TPP

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister Freeland,

With the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) text now revealed, you have promised to consult with Canadians, listen to us, and act on what you hear. I commend you on this promise, and take you up on it.

I have serious concerns about the TPP and believe it requires a full independent review to ensure it is in the best interest of Canadians like me. I also ask you to take steps to protect our international climate agreements from investor-state corporate lawsuits entrenched in the TPP.

Specifically, I request that you:

1. Ask the Parliamentary Budget Officer to conduct a comprehensive and independent analysis of the TPP text. Among other things, the analysis must assess the deal’s impact on human rights, health, employment, environment and democracy.

2. Hold public hearings in each province and territory across Canada as well as separate and meaningful consultation with Indigenous communities and First Nations. No agreement can be ratified without full consent.

3. Protect any progress made in Paris at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21) from the investor-state dispute settlement provisions (ISDS) in the TPP. Furthermore, ISDS must be excised from the TPP.

4. Remove health care and pharmaceuticals from the TPP. Our public health policy should be dictated by evidence, not by trade agreements, and put people before profit.

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