Stop Rep. Steve King from Gutting Animal Protection Laws

Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King has earned a reputation as being an animal hater in Congress. He has actively fought animal protection laws and supported cruel "sports" including dogfighting and endangered species hunting.

Rep. King's latest attack on animals comes in the form of an amendment (H.R. 4879) to the 2018 U.S. Farm Bill. This amendment would overturn state bans on the sale of dog meat, horse meat and the cruel "delicacy" foie gras. If passed, this amendment could undercut the will of the people across the U.S. For instance, states like Massachusetts that have banned the sale of eggs from hens confined to battery cages would be forced to sell these eggs.

The 2018 Farm Bill is currently being debated by Congress, so it's critical you urge your U.S. Representative and Senators to reject Rep. King's Amendment!

We need to protect animals from abuse and consumers from unsafe, dangerous and inhumanely-produced food. Urge Congress to reject H.R. 4879 - Rep. King's amendment to the 2018 Farm Bill.

Dear Legislator,

As a citizen, and someone who cares deeply about animals, I urge you to vote against any provision to the Farm Bill that would force states to allow commerce in products they have banned for reasons of animal cruelty.

Measures like these would have grave consequence for millions of animals currently protected by state laws, would undermine states' powers within their borders and would reverse the will of the voters. Instead, please take this crucial opportunity to ensure that current animal welfare bills that protect horses, companion animals, and animals in research are included in the Farm Bill.

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