Support the Preservation of African American History and Culture

Viewing Rosa Parks' dress or Louis Armstrong's trumpet can ignite a moment that doesn't just teach us about history, but about ourselves.

The stories, artifacts and treasures to be housed at the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC), the newest Smithsonian museum opening in 2015, will remind us of where we've been, the challenges we still face and point us toward what we can become. The museum will use the history of African Americans as a lens into what it means to be an American.

If you value the richness and diversity of the African American experience and want to share how it has helped shape this nation, please help move the NMAAHC's vision of unity and education forward. Pledge to support the preservation and celebration of African American history and culture through the NMAAHC and you'll receive information about the museum's progress, construction updates, the 2015 grand opening and upcoming public programs and exhibitions.
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