Urge Congress to Support Conservation for Birds and People

The new 119th Congress has the opportunity to advance vital conservation efforts. 

Investing in conservation provides economic benefits to local communities, creates recreation and other outdoor opportunities, and helps birds and other wildlife across the country.

Urge your members of Congress to support and advance conservation priorities that protect and improve the natural spaces that birds and people need.

Dear Senator/Representative [Names will automatically be added]:

According to the most recent U.S. Fish and Wildlife survey, 96 million people--more than one-third of American adults--participate in birdwatching in some form, collectively spending around $107 billion annually on birding supplies and trips while supporting 1.4 million jobs. It's evident that birding is both a pastime and an economic engine, highlighting the ongoing need for conservation efforts to protect the lands, waters, and coastlines that birds call home. 

As the 119th Congress begins, I hope I can count on you to advance bipartisan conservation efforts across the entire United States, supporting communities and industries that depend on healthy ecosystems. 

As your constituent and a supporter of the National Audubon Society, I ask you to be a champion for conservation by lending your support and attention to four critically important areas:

  • Investing in Conservation: Support watershed restoration and conservation, provide nature-based solutions for ecosystem resiliency and natural disasters, and invest in natural protections to critical coastal infrastructure.

  • Keep Working Lands Working: Support robust conservation funding in the Farm Bill and modernize important natural resources conservation service programs for our farmers and ranchers.

  • Support America's Wildlife and Special Places: Fully fund the National Wildlife Refuge System, reauthorize the Great American Outdoors Act legacy fund, and uphold core protections for birds and other wildlife.

  • Advance Clean Energy and Transmission: Invest in U.S. manufacturing, clean energy development, and the reliability of our electric grid, and expand community and conservation benefits from energy development on federal lands.

Thank you for your work to help protect America's natural heritage and our local economies, delivering tangible benefits to birds and people.

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