Stop Slaughtering Wolves In Norway

Stop killing the wolves in Norway. The wilderness of Scandinavia (Norway and Sweden) is dependant on the Wolf packs. Stop the slaughtering immediately!!
Stop killing the wolves in Norway.
The wilderness of Scandinavia (Norway and Sweden) is dependant on the Wolf packs. Stop the slaughtering immediately!!

In the last years wild wolves have reappeared in the Norwegian wilderness through the border forests of Sweden.

Strong forces like sheep farmers, forest owners renting out hunting rigths for deer and moose, have managed to convince the Norwegian gorvernement that the Wolves have no right to live in the Norwegian wilderness. They even go as far as saying that no predators should have the right to live in Norway.

The government has decided that the these wild wolves should be kept at a small total population of 3-5 family packs. Meaning that all wolves that depart their pack in search of new areas in which to live will be hunted down and slaughtered.

Last winter, the governement hunted and killed nine lone wolves using helicopters and snowmobiles. Recently more new packs have entered the same territory, and with the coming winter the same slaughter will be repeated, but perhaps less publily.

In order to maintain the genetic health of these wolves, we believe that the equilibrium number of wolves in the territory should be raised to at least 500 individual wolves. The Government has put the limit at less than half that number at 200.

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