Urge the Government to Shut-Down the Shenhua Coal Mine Proposal. The Habitat of 262 Koalas Will be Destroyed

Please sign and share this petition to demand the NSW Premier Mike Baird takes action to shut down the Shenhua coal mine proposal.

Approval for new fossil fuel projects in the face of global warming are unacceptable but they move into the realm of negligence when 262 koalas will have to be moved and their forest habitat bulldozed to make way for a coal mine.

According to a report in The Guardian, the NSW land and environment court has given approval for up to 262 koalas to be moved to another location and their habitat destroyed to make way for the Shenhua mine.

At the very least, moving the koalas will be stressful but it could also mean illness and death if they are moved from their territory. Furthermore, the koala population in the area has already dropped by up to 70% since 2009.

The story reports: "Shenhua’s plan involves first attempting to encourage the animals to “naturally move away” from the area that will be cleared. If that does not work, they would be put in bags and moved manually."

This is outrageous! Countries all around the world are winding down their use of coal - including China. Why risk the lives of a species in declining numbers for a resource that is contributing to the climate crisis?

Will you join me in urging the Premier of NSW Mike Baird to shut down the Shenhua Coal Mine proposal - coal is bad for the environment and the mine will mean the destruction of vital koala habitat and possibly for the deaths of koalas.

Please sign and share the petition.

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